and Sheila's Homepage
Welcome.... |
to our World Wide Web homepage.... This site is for family and
friends who wish to share some of our experiences...
Click Here for Best of Colorado
Automatic Slideshow !!
Whats New:
- 9/23/2024 - Posted the first part of our
Montana trip including
Glacier National Park...
- 6/17/2024 - Finallly got
around to Christmas
pictures from 2022...
- 6/10/2024 - Uploaded pictures
from a weekend trip to Sedona over Mother's Day weekend...
- 5/2/2023 - Almost a year
later, finally put up pictures from our Europe 2023 vacation...
- 6/6/2023 - Uploaded pictures
from the Avalanche
Championship Parade...
- 6/1/2023 - Added images
from a multi-Lake
Hike in RMNP and
an outing to see Fall
- 5/30/2023 - Added images
from a couple of Summer
Hikes last year...
- 5/23/2023 - Uploaded photos
from an Easter
trip to San Diego
in 2022...
- 5/22/2023 - Posted pictures
from a California
college tour way
back in November of 2021
- 3/26/2023 - Also finally
uploaded pictures from the 2022 F1 Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal.
- 3/2/2023 - Finally create
a series of pages from our Galapagos
Islands trip...
- 8/12/2022 - Uploaded pictures
from Molas
Lake Camping this
past July...
- 8/10/2022 - Posted images
from a Florida
Trip in winter
of 2021 and Fairview
Hockey also 2021.
- 8/02/2022 - Added pictures
from last Fall
of 2021...
- 8/02/2022 - Still catching
up, posted Gem
Lake Hike pictures
near Estes Park
- 7/28/2022 - Almost a year
late, but finally posted pictures of our Crested Butte to Aspen hike...
- 8/23/2021 - Added pictures
from Vail, Last Dollar Road and Molas Lake camping...
- 5/30/2021 - Uploaded Brendan's Pre-Prom images and Fairview 2021 Graduation pictures..
- 2/1/2020 - A record 7+
years passed, but I finally processed the photos from our Oahu Hawaii vacation from 2013..
- 12/21/2020 - Over a year
later, finally put up Brendan's
final competitive hockey pictures...
- 12/09/2020 - Posted pictures
from a Fall
Hike in Mueller
State Park
- 12/06/2020 - Added extra
pictures from Spring and Summer of this year...
- 11/27/2020 - Finally put
up last season
Skiing pictures
as well as the 2019
Holiday Season...
- 11/20/2020 - Added images
from RV Camping trip to Moab,
- 9/29/2020 - A few more
local hikes - Bear
Peak and Blue Lake w/ Moose...
- 9/21/2020 - Posted pictures
from our late August trip to Telluride
and the surrounding
- 8/6/2020 - Added Herman's Gulch
Hike and Shriner Pass Wildflower
Hike pictures...
- 7/14/2020 - Added pictures
from a recent trip to Gateway
Colorado and Arches National Park and the Gateway
Auto Museum...
- 7/13/2020 - Lake Isabelle Hike from Brainerd Lake
- 12/23/2019 - Posted first
Color Trip - Georgetown to Breck to Kenosha...
- 12/16/2019 - Finally uploaded
miscellaneous Winter and Spring pictures from early this year.
- 12/9/2019 - Finally put
up Skiing pictures from last season and
visit to Colorado...
- 10/13/2019 - Put up images
from our second
Fall Color trip - Crested Butte to Marble...
- 10/6/2019 - Posted Vail Fourth of July
and Steamboat Balloon
Festival images...
- 8/30/2019 - Uploaded Crested Butte Wildflower pictures...
- 8/13/2019 - Added Kayaking, Whitewater Rafting and Grand Lake Boating pictures...
- 5/1/2019 - A visit to
the Denver
Botanic Gardens...
- 12/15/18 - Added a flurry
of pages - Ethan's
Graduation, Spring Summer, Fourth of July, Summer
Hiking and Fall...
- 09/06/18 - Added pictures
from this year's Ski
and Snowboard season...
- 09/05/18- Its been a while
- added Fairview
High School Hockey
pictures and Prom
- 04/09/17 - Added pictures
from the past Holiday
- 11/30/17 - Put up images
from End of
Summer and Fall...
- 11/24/17 - Uploaded pictures
from a couple more Summer
- 11/22/17 - Posted pictures
from Summit
Middle School Graduation
and Spring
of 2017...
- 11/17/17 - Added pictures
from the Fourth
of July in Steamboat...
- 11/16/17 - Belatedly uploaded
pictures from our Spring
Break trip to Florida...
- 10/31/17 - Finally put
up Ethan's Fairview High School Lacrosse pictures...
- 10/30/17 - Catching up
by finally posting More
Skiing images from
- 10/15/17 - Finally added
pictures from Christmas
2106 and New Years 2017...
- 9/16/17 - Added Sheila's
50th briday celebration pictures from Boulder and from Aspen.
- 7/16/17 - Added pictures
from a summer weekend of Fishing
and Hiking in Fraser
- 7/16/17 - Posted images
from the boy's 2016/2017
Hockey Seasons...
- 12/18/16 - Added pictures
form Alan's
50th Birthday Guy's Weekend...
- 12/16/16 - Added Fall Colors and Aspen
- 10/5/2016 - Belatedly
added pictures from Winter and Summer of 2016...
- 9/25/2016 - Added links
to Lacrosse and Fairview Hight School Hockey pages
- 9/24/2016 - Late, but
finally put up the rest of Skiing
and Snowboarding pictures
from this past season
- 9/23/2016 - Added page
documenting our trip to Mount
Rushmore in the
Black Hills of South Dakota
- 9/23/2016 - Posted pictures
from a day of boating
on Grand Lake..
- 6/30/2016 - Recently added
many pictures - Fourth
of July, Missouri Lakes
Hike, Fly Fishing, etc.
- 6/12/2016 - Added pictures
from last Fall including Cars
and Coffee and
Summer and Fall.
- 3/3/2016 - Finally Added
some Spring and Summer photos from 2015...
- 1/7/2016 - Added pages
from our two part Christmas vaction in Florida and Steamboat
- 8/27/2015 - Put up pictures
from this years Kayaking
trip with the kids.
- 8/24/2015 - Posted Florida Vacation
and CCC Reunion
- 8/24/2015 - Wow, 6 months
between updates, but finally got Fourth of July in Vail pictures up.
- 2/18/2015 - Added Late Summer/Early
Fall and Fall Color pictures.
- 12/27/2014 - Added pictures
from Christmas
and our Christmas Trip to Florida.
- 12/17/2014 - Added More Summer
Hiking, Fairview Freshman
Football and Hockey 2014/2015.
- 10/23/2014 - Uploaded
images from the Wild
Animal Sanctuary.
- 10/16/2014 - Added pictures
from Spring
of 2014.
- 9/13/2014 - Finally uploaded
the rest of Skiing
and Snowboarding 2013/2014.
- 9/3/2014 - Uploaded pictures
from another 14er
- Mount Bierstadt.
- 8/9/2014 - Posted pictures
from Fourth
of July in Vail.
- 8/2/2014 - Added pictures
from this year's Boys
Backpacking Trip.
- 7/24/2014 - Posted pictures
from a weekend camping trip to Lake McConaughy.
- 7/21/2014 - Added Summer Visitors
2014 page.
- 7/18/2014 - Added Images
from our vacation to North
Carolina and South Carolina.
- 5/25/2014 - Images from
our final BCD
Graduation cermony.
- 5/8/2014 - Uploaded images
from Winter
- 2/26/2014 - Put up images
from this year's Kid's
Hockey Season.
- 2/05/2014 - Added Fall Hiking/Aspen and other Fall images.
- 1/18/2014 - Posted images
from our New
Years trip to Steamboat
with the Lewis family.
- 12/13/2013 - Added pictures
from our trip to New
York City for a
surprise wedding.
- 12/1/2013 - Posted images
from Adrian's
wedding in Tampa.
- 11/25/2013 - Uploaded
pictures from the BCD Soccer
- 11/10/2013 - Added pictures
miscellaneous from Spring and Summer.
- 10/9/2013 - Motivated
by October to put up this years Baseball pictures.
- 9/22/2013 - Added images
from a hike to Diamond
- 9/19/2013 - Upload pictures
from Donnie Tecate
2013 Kayaking.
- 9/16/2013 - Put up pictues
from our Mount
Evans 14er hike!
- 8/3/2013 - Finally posted
pictures of the 2013
Ski and Snowboarding
- 7/29/2013 - Images from
our annual Boys Camping
trip including Quandary Peak, a 14er.
- 7/12/2013 - Posted images
from the Vail
America Days Fourth
of July weekend.
- 6/22/2013 - Added action
photos from the boy's Thunder
Hockey season.
- 5/24/2013 - Added Winter Holidays and Winter pictures.
- 2/10/2013 - Added Fall and Fall
Soccer pictures.
- 12/18/2012 - Added Summer Days and Summer in the Neighborhood photos.
- 12/15/2012 - Added some
Outdoor Fun images.
- 12/12/2012 - Added more
images from Spring and the Boulder Bolder.
- 11/19/2012 - Finally put
up Baseball pictures from this summer.
- 9/19/2012 - Posted images
from our Fall
Color trip to the
- 8/26/2012 - Posted pictures
from the U.S.
Pro Cycling Challenge
in Boulder.
- 8/22/2012 - Added images
from another Tecate
Kayaking trip.
- 8/16/2012 - Posted pictures
from our annual Boy's
Camping Trip.
- 7/18/2012 - Caught up
on all Winter, Skiing and Spring
Break Skiing photos.
- 7/12/2012 - Finally put
up Holiday
2011 pictures.
- 7/7/2012 - Posted Fourth of July pictures from Vail.
- 5/9/2012 - Added images
from a Mt.
Sanitas hike.
- 3/26/2012 - Images from
our first spring hike to the Royal
- 3/8/2012 - Added pictures
from Audrey's Ski
Trip visit...
- 12/12/2011 - Added Summer's End, a Fall Color Drive and Fall pictures
- 12/8/2011 - More Summer pictures added...
- 11/27/2011 - Added pictures
from the U2
360 Tour concert
and some additional pictures from Summer 2011...
- 10/25/2011 - Went back
and posted pictures from Spring and our Spring Trip to Florida.
- 8/22/2011 - Posted images
from our Tecate
Kayaking Adventure...
- 8/19/2011 - Finally got
our Spain pictures up on the website.
- 8/3/2011 - Uploaded images
from our Canoeing
and Camping trip
to Dominguez Canyon
- 7/25/2011 - Posted Grand Lake and Rocky
Mountain National Park
- 7/9/2011 - Posted Fourth of July pictures from Vail
- 4/20/2011 - Added Holiday Season
2010, Puerto Vallarta, Winter Fun 2011, Skiing
2011 and Spring Break 2011.
- 12/20/2010 - Added End of Summer 2010 and Fall 2010 pages
- 12/8/2010 - Added images
from the boys summer trip to Keuka
- 11/11/2010 - Added our
fall trip to Aspen!
- 10/24/2010 - Finally finished
this summer with Boys
Camping and Summer Visitor pages.
- 10/23/2010 - Added Fourth of July and Lazy Summer Days
- 10/14/2010 - Early summer
pictures of Polo
and Baseball
- 09/01/2010 - Two years
late, but finally posted San
Diego vacation
images from 2008.
- 08/23/2010 - Posted Gray and Torreys
- First 14ers trip
- 07/28/2010 - Posted images
from our Florida
Trip this Spring
and Spring
2010 images
- 07/25/2010 - Added Costa Rica Vacation pictures and videos.
- 05/12/10 - Added Winter and Skiing pictures.
- 01/03/10 - Uploaded Winter Holiday pictures.
- 12/14/09 - Posted Early Fall, Fall
and Fall
Holiday pictures.
- 12/02/09 - Summer vacation
pictures are up from Grand
Teton and Yellowstone National Park
- 11/27/09 - Added several
summer pages including images from Grand Lake, Camping and More Summer pictures.
- 11/1709 - Posted some
pictures from early this Summer
and Fourth of July in Vail
- 11/14/09 - Posted pictures
from Sheila's Avon
Walk for the Cure
- 11/04/09 - Posted pictures
from the CU
Buffs football camp and summer baseball.
- 10/06/09 - Added Spring School Activities page
- 9/21/09 - Added More Spring pictures
- 8/31/09 - Added Spring 2009 page
- 8/31/09 - Added lots of
Hockey related pics from this Winter
and Spring
- 8/30/09 - Posted Bolder Boulder pictures from this Memorial Day
- 7/24/09 - Added Christmas 2008 and Florida Trip pictures
- 7/19/09 - Posted Late Fall 2008 pictures
- 5/02/09 - Posted Skiing pictures from this season
- 12/20/08 - More than two
years late, but Maui pictures are finally posted
- 12/14/08 - Added Early Fall and Fall
pictures from this year
- 11/26/08 - Added Summer Visitation
2008 page
- 11/23/08 - Posted More Summer 2008 page
- 11/09/08 - Added Early Summer 2008 and Fourth of July images
- 10/16/08 - Added Airshow and Aspen 2008 images
- 9/09/08 - Added More Spring images
- 8/03/08 - Added Spring School Activities page.
- 6/30/08 - Added images
form Early
Spring 2008 and
Spring 2008...
- 6/16/08 - Added images
from Spring
Break 2008...
- 6/04/08 - Added images
from our Florida
Christmas trip
and Winter
- 12/13/07 - Added images
from our Sonoma,
CA trip.
- 12/1/07 - Added images
from Early
Fall and Fall of this year.
- 11/26/07 - Finally posted
Kauai, Hawaii pictures from this past summer.
- 11/07/07 - Added Early Summer, Mid-Summer and Late
Summer pictures.
- 9/25/07 - Finally went
back and added Christmas
Holiday 2006 pictures.
- 9/18/07 - Added Spring 2007 and More Spring 2007 pages
- 4/22/07 - New Best of Colorado slideshow!
- 3/24/07 - Added photo
album and videos from Winter
- 1/11/06 - Added albums
for Fall 2006 and our Florida Fall Trip.
- 10/16/06 - Finally added
albums from last Fall, Winter Holidays, Winter and Early Spring.
- 12/19/05 - Added images
from Early
Fall 2005
- 12/05/05 - Added earlier
pictures from last Holiday
Season, Winter and
- 11/10/05 - Added Summer
pictures - Early
Summer, 4th of July, Florida Trip, Summer
with Janna and
Summer Scenery
- 3/15/05 - Added School
Calendar shoot to Alan's
Portrait Photography
- 3/15/05 - Added some images
to the Ethan
and Brendan Gallery
- 11/08/04 - Added pictures
from this Fall
- 9/30/04 - Added More Summer Hiking pictures
- 7/20/04 - Added Spring, More Spring, Summer
Hiking & Durango photos
- 3/28/04 - Added new Ethan and Brendan
Gallery for their
latest photos
- 3/26/04 - Added pictures
from Winter
Fun in Colorado
- 3/24/04 - Posted Christmas and New
Years pictures
from Colorado
- 3/20/04 - Finally posted
images from
Brendan's Birthday
and last Fall
- 2/12/04 - Finally posted
pictures from last Spring and Summer
- 11/11/03 - We are now
in Boulder, new pictures
and daily updates
- 3/16/03 - Added link to
new Family
Tree project